This is a work of fiction. Any names, places, and information that are used here, and in any of their plottings, are purely used for role-playing purposes only.

Furthermore, this is an original character, and therefore does not, and should not reflect the artist, Park Jinyoung, as this character is not in any way affiliated with the artist that he represents, nor the group or the company he is in.

Leviticus Parker and his story is inspired by the surrounding stories about the fallen angels, and their backgrounds regarding heaven and hell. Additionally, minor inspirations for his characteristics and abilities were from paganism with brief mentions of wicca and witchcraft.

Any contents found in this card and its corresponding account such as prompts, edits, and the likes are solely made by Libra unless stated otherwise. If not, a source will be posted for others to see and for me to give credits. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE.


β€’ NSFW. Due to the character's nature, this serves as a reminder that there will be mentions of sensitive topics within this account, especially about religious beliefs and the occult. Follow at your own discretion.

β€’ INTERACTIONS. Kindly expect sporadic replies from time to time due to the character's nature and the writer's schedule. If you are someone who looks for highly interactive mutuals, we suggest you not to follow this account anymore as we cannot assure you that Leviticus will be interactive as you expect to.

All relationships within this account, may it be friendship, romantic, and the likes are through chemistry as well. With that, sudden sexual interactions especially through DMs will not be entertained and are automatically blocked by the writer.

β€’ PLOTTINGS. Leviticus Parker plots in English and Filipino, may it be on the timeline or in DMs. Mirrored lit, but prefers descriptive at times. He is also open to sudden plottings, and pre-established relationships.

β€’ COMMUNICATION. Let us practice healthy communication by settling any kinds of issues privately. The writer has an almost non-existent social battery so expect sporadic replies at times but they will try to respond in such circumstances.

In terms of interactions, if you wish to interact with the writer, you may interact with him in @pagkahangin because Leviticus Parker tries to be strictly IC on the timeline and on DMs.

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First and foremost, his primary circle, in which Leviticus will always go back wherever he is, Team Canton. You know who you are.

Next, his first-found circle in this world, Gaseben, that made him experience how camaraderie and friendship work in his early years here.

His solid bbf, Sinteya Marie, which he just included here with a special mention so that she won’t sulk. Together of course, with his cherished circles, Clown Support System (feat. Jianna, because she also might be upset if he didn’t include her), and Ate Milan and the Ziplets.

To the former Dead Press Society, in which he found solace between the cramping hours of work. Leviticus will always be proud of what it was before, and now.

To his acquaintances, those who spend their time interacting with his random tweets in attempts to be an interactive social being, and works despite his reserved nature. (He's trying to improve).

And lastly, his haven, his other half, and his one and only. For being by his side from the beginning up 'til now. His heart will always be yours. Haven Klyde Juarez.



"Angels never disregard their duties."

A bittersweet smile.

β€œBut here I am.”

The angel of justice under the wing of Archangel Uriel, surrendering his immortality – sacrificing his whole life for a decision he impulsively made.

He was never impulsive. He was rational, often composed at all times, and was never to be swayed by emotions, only doing what he intended to do as ordered.. He was the ideal angel that the eternal realm had for eons.

He was.

Until the angel learned to empathize and be compassionate. To feel human emotions he never felt before.

Contrary to common knowledge, angels are not as tenderhearted when it comes to humans. They only see the latter as their mere little duties, needing support and guidance as they are weak to be on their own – not wanting the pesky beings dying because of them not doing anything.

However, perhaps Leviticus is not really the angel of justice as they deem to be, or maybe his perspectives grew differently from what he used to know as he stayed at the human realm for a long time and spent his days observing and analyzing the humans, but he finds himself disagreeing with the natural order of angels and human beings.

A human being mistaking the right from the bad? Let them. Let them suffer as well with the consequences of their wrongdoings. A human being making an exemplary action? Good for them. Angels are just there to guide and observe. Contrary to what the people know, angels really don’t help humans nor grant their wishes. And Leviticus finds it wrong.

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Perchance, Leviticus finds human beings more worthy of what the angels naturally account them for. Worthy of praise and worthy to be not left behind, only considering them as mere toys to observe and study. Human beings are worthy to be helped, considering they possessed some interesting traits he cannot really see in the other angels: determination, hardwork, and their sense of sentiment over something they deem important.

And probably that is the reason why a spark inside Leviticus grew – his interest in the human realm slowly getting bigger and bigger. Perhaps Leviticus really does want to help humans, and maybe be a human being himself.

But then, even with the slowly growing interest that he has with the said beings, he also never really want to part ways with what he considered his family. The other angels might condemn him, but his considered family, the archangels – whom he spent a long time with – he knows they would not. Even if it means throwing away the chance to be the next archangel of justice and karma that they want to, in exchange for the life he wants.

β€œThen be a guardian angel.”

β€œI don’t want to 'just watch' humans, Uriel. I already established that.”

β€œYou will not 'just watch' them, Leviticus. You will be human. Interact, and be like them, anything. Live your life the way you want to. You can still guide them through that.”

β€œGuide them on? How?”

β€œLiving their lives the way they also want to be.”



The Eternal was placed in the highest plane and dimension of the universe. Human beings also call it Heaven; however, the latter was a bit different from the former, making it clear that the Eternal is detached from any human religion formed.

It consists of seven (7) archangels supervising the whole place for the One Above. They are chosen for a reason, with varying skills and perspectives about certain things.

Libra's note: This is roughly inspired by the Book of Enoch, with the mentions of the seven archangels; although it has been tweaked a bit for novelty purposes.


AZRAEL – The Archangel of Death. The one responsible for gathering mortal souls and delivering them to where they should be; either with the angels above, or the demons below. Human beings commonly know them as the Grim Reaper, but for Leviticus, he’s just one stingy, grumpy man who never misses an opportunity to annoy and lose his patience.

CHAMUEL – The archangel responsible for the Tree of Life that gives strength, courage, hope, and rejuvenation to human beings. He brings out the best in every being, exuding the eternal goodness that is once embedded in everyone. Just like his nature is, Chamuel brings out the best in Leviticus, even though he finds the archangel too persistent since he always follows the fallen; has a child-like personality.

GABRIEL – The Supreme Messenger of the One Above. The one responsible for Eternal’s prophecies and the one that knows everything that is happening to everyone. He’s a hermit, and perhaps he influenced Leviticus to be the way that he is right now, even with Levi’s endless remark of Old Man Gabriel.

MICHAEL – The archangel of war. The one responsible for Eternal’s army and is deemed to be the Protector of Eternal. Usually snob and focused in his army, he manages to find time to be irritating to Leviticus by opening his mouth to spew some nonsense self-conceited musings that the latter chooses to ignore. He and Gabriel go hand in hand and the reason why the hermit chose to be close to someone like Michael? Leviticus does not want to know.

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RAPHAEL – The archangel of healing. The one responsible for the balance and the well-being of the world, including the welfare of human beings. Probably the most understanding, and the kindest out of the seven, Raphael manages to always have a gentle smile with every interaction he makes, especially when it comes to Leviticus. He might have a particular liking to the fallen, however, Leviticus believes that it’s because of his interest in the balance of the world (considering he’s the angel of justice) that’s included in the same wavelength as that of the archangel’s.

SATHARIEL – The archangel of deception. Probably not the most ideal archangel, with some questioning how can he have a place in the Eternal with his nature, deceiving humans just like how demons do and tempting them to be the other way around; however, he’s the one responsible for the negotiations that are happening between the Eternal and of the Inferno. A mystic man, with a mysterious aura that goes hand-in-hand with Azrael, considering that they are the ones who always work together – they are the most annoying pair Leviticus can encounter, with Azrael’s snarky remarks and Sathariel’s stinky stare that leaves Leviticus rolling his eyes.

URIEL – The archangel of wisdom and information. The one who Leviticus dotes on the most, his father-figure and role model. The one responsible for keeping Eternal sane together with Gabriel, and the one responsible for human beings’ enlightenment during the times of confusion. Mostly silent, he’s the type of angel that makes everyone silent when he dares speak, making him known as someone of high influence and power.



With a single whiff from the room, Leviticus immediately managed to smile as his nostrils were filled with the smell of books, ranging from the antique ones to the recent collection he just bought, again, from somewhere.

Throughout the years of living in the human realm made Leviticus realize that there are some stark differences between the two realms, the human realm being actually chaotic than he predicted it would be. But it’s nice. Despite every dreadful thing that makes the fallen wonder if he actually made the right choice, there are still some things that make him nod and agree that what he just did is worth it.

Just like the library in which he’s staying in. A library that he built and preserved, mostly to collect all the books that he had obtained through the years.

Years of living in the mortal realm also made Leviticus to be forced out of his shell, determined to have some other connections as it was still his task to guide humans (and not interacting with them is not really the way to accomplish it). That is the reason why he found himself entering both the academe and the corporate world, being a professor before building his own publishing company in which he became an editor-in-charge, until he was promoted to being the publisher of that said company.

Perhaps Leviticus is still the responsible, ideal angel that he once knew.

The only difference is that even though the human Leviticus is more vulnerable and emotional than the former angel Leviticus, he knew that it’s all better. That it is a way to understand humans more and to have a deeper connection with them. Just like how he found his other half, even with his mindset that he would never find one due to this unique nature.

Humans depend on each other to survive, and maybe it’s one of the things that he likes with them. The human realm might be chaotic, but Leviticus still believes that it’s quite something, and it’s worth the sacrifice that he made.